What we do                
Assist in Addressing IT Challenges
IT in the financial industry today faces countless challenges in many different areas. Meeting and overcoming these challenges effectively is essential for businesses to thrive.

  • System Availability
    • 100% uptime not guaranteed
    • No early warnings of system outages
    • Unpredictable/high system recovery time
    • Loss of productivity, customer confidence
  • Project Management
    • Projects don’t deliver quality solutions within set time and cost
    • Requirements often not properly defined at onset of a project, causing difficult problems in later stages of development
    • Unable to meet time-to-market timings
  • Security
    • Potential data leakage in absence of appropriate security
    • Multiple security platforms lead to users having several different IDs/passwords – keeping track causes major productivity bottlenecks
  • Data Integrity
    • Information scattered into several systems and corresponding databases
    • Financial mismatch between products and General Ledger of the financial institution
    • Silo mentality – where IT, business, operations, financials, etc. work in isolated units and lack proper communication
    • No single customer view
  • Business
    • Non IT-experienced leaders in charge of IT departments
    • IT solutions perceived as costly to deploy and maintain
    • Difficult to find/retain skilled personnel, as the  demand for skilled individuals is much higher than the supply
Many years of industry experience have led AKDC to gain proficiency in tackling these problems with careful planning, establishment of appropriate frameworks, proper design, and phased solution delivery.

Services Provided
AKDC has expertise in working with a wide variety of financial institutions varying from local banks to global corporations. This degree of experience has given us a deep understanding of how to hanlde issues at all scales and levels, allowing us to deeply understand any institutions' specific needs and requirements to provide tailored, pragmatic, and progressive solutions.

Specific services we offer are as follows:
  • Optimizing current systems to maximize stability, recovery, responsiveness to minimize expenses, maximize revenue and consequently maximize profitability

  • Implementing channel strategy and solutions (Internet, mobile/phone banking, telemarketing, ATM, branch, etc.)

  • Implementing Enterprise Data-warehousing and MIS

  • Implementing Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

  • Technology Budgeting

  • Project Management

  • Establishing System Integration Framework and corresponding roadmap
  • Formulating IT Strategy and corresponding deployment roadmap

  • Implementing Business Analytics

  • Selecting and deploying appropriate banking solutions 

  • Operation Process Re-engineering

  • Replatforming projects with guarantee of successful completion

  • Aligning Business strategy with Technology strategy

  • Assisting in transforming business thoughts to automated solutions

  • Etc.

Organizational Benefits
AKDC handles and oversees the complete end-to-end orchestration of every project. We are partnered with industry-leading solution providers that are brought to the forefront to produce specific requirement-appropriate solutions, while AKDC remains fully accountable and responsible for delivering results of the projects as a whole. Organizations can benefit in the following ways:
  • Focused effort to address technology problems and innovations

  • Cost effective IT delivery, as IT specialists are deployed for delivering appropriate functions only as needed. 

  • Getting specific results for specific requirements with AKDC fully accountable for meeting requirements

  • Getting a fresh, outside perspective of technology, as the technology team is working for multiple organizations

Our specialty is in providing pragmatic solutions that are created with a complete end-to-end view.  Our solutions seek to balance the needs of technology and those of business, while always keeping the customer in perspective. We strive to use the right amount of technology, with appropriate process based on business compatibility and affordability and deploy the result as a technology solution.

We do not chase the latest, trendy, bleeding-edge technologies. We focus on using tested and proven, reliable technology and solutions that function appropriately with business process, with corresponding business affordability.

End customer satisfaction remains the overarching objective in all of our solutions.   We ensure our solutions exceed all expectations, including those of the customers, the business and the technology.

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